@- @unitedstates Project, The: .A shared commons of data and tools for the United States.
A- Adjusted Interest Group Scores: .From Tim Groseclose
- Agency Data: .An Archive of Administrative Agency Data from Tony Bertelli and Christian Grose.
- American Ideology Project: .Offers a measure of the political liberalism-conservatism of states, congressional districts, cities, state senate and assembly districts, and partisans within these areas
- American Legislatures Project: .Aims to measure the ideology of individual state legislators and state legislatures as a whole over the past several decades, state and individual-level data available.
- American Presidency Project: .Established in 1999 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, archives contain 103,280 documents related to the study of the Presidency.
B- Biographical Directory of Members of Congress: .
- Brookings Inst. Vital Stats on Congress: .Useful data on America's first branch of government, including data on the composition of its membership, its formal procedure, informal norms, party structure, and staff
C- California Redistricting Database: .Responsible for collecting and processing data for California's decennial redistricting.
- Center for American Women & Politics: .A leading source of scholarly research and current data about women’s political participation in the United States.
- Center for Political Studies: .A leading center for the quantitative study of politics at the Univ. of Michigan.
- Charles Stewart's Congress Data Page: .Great resource on Congressional Committees
- Congress Project, The: .Site features data collected by the Congress project, as well as links to other sites providing data and information on the U.S. Congress.
- Congress Roll Call Vote Indexes: .Useful, basic tables on roll call votes in House and Senate (101-present)
- Congressional Bills Project: .information about more than 400,000 bills introduced in the U.S. Congress, currently 1947-2008, along with extensive information about each bill's progress and sponsor
- Congressional Voting Data: .This data set includes traditional aggregate voting scores as well as Cooper-Young structuring scores from the 40th through the 111th Congresses (1867-2009)
- Correlates of State Policy Project: .Aims to compile, disseminate, and encourage the use of data relevant to U.S. state policy research, tracking policy differences across and change over time in the 50 states
- Cosponsorship Network Data: .This page contains links to data on Cosponsorships in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives for the 93rd to 108th Congresses.
D- Data Foundation: .Seeks to define an open future for our data, for a better government and a better society, through research, education, and programming.
| D- Data.gov: .Guide to data from more than 100 agencies that provide data and trend information on such topics as economic and population trends, crime, education, health care, energy use and more
- Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections: .A general resource for the study of campaign finance and ideology in American politics by Adam Bonica.
- Digest of Educational Statistics: .A compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from prekindergarten through graduate school.
E- Earl Babbie Research Center: .Supports research that addresses global concerns including human rights, social justice, peaceful solutions to social conflicts and environmental sustainability.
- Equality of Opportunity Project: .Research on economic mobility, see data and replication code
- Executive Order Data: .From the National Archives Federal Register
G- Gig Economy Data Hub: .Accessible, comprehensive analysis of available data sources to answer critical questions about gig and non-traditional work in the United States.
- GovTrack.us: .The site helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives' legislative record.
- Guttmacher Institute: .A leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, great source of data on policies in the United States.
L- Legislative Effectiveness Project: .precise research methodology to calculate a Legislative Effectiveness Score for each member of the House of Representatives
N- Nat'l Conf. of State Legislatures: .NCSL research and special features contain a wealth of informatiom about state legislatures
- National Center for Education Statistics: .The primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education
- NC Center for Public Policy Research: .Publishes among other things, legislator and lobbyist effectiveness rankings.
- New Nation Votes, A: .Searchable collection of election returns from the earliest years of American democracy.
O- Open States by the Sunlight Foundation: .A collection of tools that make it possible for citizens to track what is happening in their state's capitol by aggregating information from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
P- Pennsylvania Policy Database: .A free, online resource that provides access to more than 200,000 state and news media records, enables users to trace and analyze the history of public policy in the Commonwealth since 1979.
- Political Institutions and Public Choice Program Data: .Focused on the House of Representatives
| P- President in Congress, The: .Explores the impact of the president on legislators' voting and position taking, on their communications with constituents, on their legislative strategies, and ultimately, on the substance of legislation.
- Presidential Research Group Data Sites: .Includes the Database of Historical Congressional Statistics
- Princeton Gerrymandering Project: .Research on the effects of gerrymandering in the U.S.
R- Religion Data Archives: .A collection of surveys, polls, and other data submitted by researchers and made available online by the ARDA.
S- School Finance Indicators Database: .A collection of sophisticated school finance measures for assessing the adequacy and fairness of each state’s revenue, spending, and resource allocation, and for comparing these outcomes between states.
- State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus: .From the Kaiser Family Foundation.
- State Networks Dataset: .A compilation of many state-to-state relational variables, including measures of shared borders, travel and trade between states, and demographic characteristics of state populations.
- State Policy Index: .State and Local Public Policies in the United States is an ongoing research project and data compendium. On this website you can download spreadsheets containing data on state policies.
- StateMaster.com: .allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states based on different variables
T- Texas Politics Project, The: .Publishes three to four statewide public opinion polls each year to assess the opinions of registered voters on upcoming elections, public policy, and attitudes towards politics, politicians, and government.
U- United States Election Project: .Information source for the United States electoral system; great data on voter turnout.
- US Policy Agendas Project: .Collects and organizes data from various archived sources to trace changes in the national policy agenda and public policy outcomes of the United States since the Second World War.
- US Presidential Elections Data: .With some cool visualizations of the data.
V- Vetoes by U.S. Presidents, 1789-present: .From the U.S. Senate library
- Vital Statistics on the U.S. Congress: .Compiled by the Brookings Institution
- Voteview (UCLA): .Allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map.
- Voteview Legacy Website: .Keith Poole's web site for data on U.S. Congress, well-organized, thoroughly documented, updated frequently.