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Find American Politics Data on Web Sites with Topical Collections
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This page features links to some useful data collections for American Politics. Because the contents of these collections change frequently, these links should direct users to the top-level of data collections, rather than specific data sets.
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  • President in Congress, The: .Explores the impact of the president on legislators' voting and position taking, on their communications with constituents, on their legislative strategies, and ultimately, on the substance of legislation.
  • Presidential Research Group Data Sites: .Includes the Database of Historical Congressional Statistics
  • Princeton Gerrymandering Project: .Research on the effects of gerrymandering in the U.S.

  • R
  • Religion Data Archives: .A collection of surveys, polls, and other data submitted by researchers and made available online by the ARDA.

  • S
  • School Finance Indicators Database: .A collection of sophisticated school finance measures for assessing the adequacy and fairness of each state’s revenue, spending, and resource allocation, and for comparing these outcomes between states.
  • State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus: .From the Kaiser Family Foundation.
  • State Networks Dataset: .A compilation of many state-to-state relational variables, including measures of shared borders, travel and trade between states, and demographic characteristics of state populations.
  • State Policy Index: .State and Local Public Policies in the United States is an ongoing research project and data compendium. On this website you can download spreadsheets containing data on state policies.
  • .allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states based on different variables

  • T
  • Texas Politics Project, The: .Publishes three to four statewide public opinion polls each year to assess the opinions of registered voters on upcoming elections, public policy, and attitudes towards politics, politicians, and government.

  • U
  • United States Election Project: .Information source for the United States electoral system; great data on voter turnout.
  • US Policy Agendas Project: .Collects and organizes data from various archived sources to trace changes in the national policy agenda and public policy outcomes of the United States since the Second World War.
  • US Presidential Elections Data: .With some cool visualizations of the data.

  • V
  • Vetoes by U.S. Presidents, 1789-present: .From the U.S. Senate library
  • Vital Statistics on the U.S. Congress: .Compiled by the Brookings Institution
  • Voteview (UCLA): .Allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map.
  • Voteview Legacy Website: .Keith Poole's web site for data on U.S. Congress, well-organized, thoroughly documented, updated frequently.

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