@- @unitedstates Project, The: .A shared commons of data and tools for the United States.
A- Adjusted Interest Group Scores: .From Tim Groseclose
- Africa Information Highway: .Multiple customized tools to gather indicators, analyze them, and export them into multiple formats.
- African Dev. Bank Group Data Portal: .Access to information on lending projects from 1967 up to now, the dataset includes basic information such as the project title and ID, country, sector, task manager but also, financial information, results and linksD, country, sector, task manager to publicly disclosed documents.
- Afrobarometer Data Collection: .An African-led series of national public attitude surveys on democracy and governance in Africa
- Agency Data: .An Archive of Administrative Agency Data from Tony Bertelli and Christian Grose.
- AidData: .Produces evidence to improve how sustainable development investments are targeted, monitored, and evaluated. See datasets.
- Aids Flows: .AidFlows visualizes how much development financing is provided and received around the world.
- American Ideology Project: .Offers a measure of the political liberalism-conservatism of states, congressional districts, cities, state senate and assembly districts, and partisans within these areas
- American Legislatures Project: .Aims to measure the ideology of individual state legislators and state legislatures as a whole over the past several decades, state and individual-level data available.
- American National Election Studies: .ANES produces high quality data from its own surveys on voting, public opinion, and political participation; see Data Center for downloads
- American Presidency Project: .Established in 1999 at the University of California, Santa Barbara, archives contain 103,280 documents related to the study of the Presidency.
- Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies: .Analysis of labor markets, social security incomes, institutions and governance, see research projects and datasets
- Arab Barometer: .Scientifically reliable data on the politically-relevant attitudes of ordinary citizens.
- Archigos: .A data base on leaders 1875 - 2004.
- Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project: .Data and analysis source on political violence and protest in the developing world. See data page.
- Asian Barometer: .Comparative survey of attitudes and values toward politics, power, reform, democracy and citizens political actions in East Asia. Try online analysis tool.
- Australian Election Study: .Aims to provide a long-term perspective on stability and change in the political attitudes and behaviour of the Australian electorate.
- Austrian National Election Study: .Comprehensive social science analysis of Austrian national elections.
- Authoritarian Regimes Dataset: .A comprehensive dataset on authoritarian regimes in the world between 1972-2014.
- Autocratic Regime Data: .Provides transition information for the 280 autocratic regimes in existence from 1946 to 2010
B- Bayesian Corruption Index, The: .A composite index of the perceived overall level of corruption in countries around the world.
- Berlin Social Center: .Data-driven research on education and work, markets and choice, migration, democracy and autocracy, international politics and law.
- Biographical Directory of Members of Congress: .
- British Election Study: .Long term studies of Britain's electoral behavior.
- Brookings Inst. Vital Stats on Congress: .Useful data on America's first branch of government, including data on the composition of its membership, its formal procedure, informal norms, party structure, and staff
C- Calculate Ideal Points of Federal Judges: .This program implements the Giles, Hettinger, Peppers (GHP) method of estimating ideal points of federal judges in common policy space.
- California Redistricting Database: .Responsible for collecting and processing data for California's decennial redistricting.
- Canadian Election Study: .Thorough account of Canadian elections.
- Caucasus Research Resource Centers: .A network of research, resource and training centers established in 2003 in the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, see datasets.
- Census Data Center: .Helpful site from Missouri for advanced analysis of Census data
- Center for American Women & Politics: .A leading source of scholarly research and current data about women's political participation in the United States.
- Center for Political Studies: .A leading center for the quantitative study of politics at the Univ. of Michigan.
- Center for Systematic Peace Datasets: .Multiple significant datasets prepared by researchers associated with the Center for Systemic Peace and are generated and/or compiled using open source information.
- Center for the Study of African Econ.: .Researching on the economic and social development in Africa since 1986, includes Free and Fair Elections Database
- Change in Source of Leader Support: .The goal of the CHISOLS data is to differentiate leader transitions in which a new leader depends on different social groups for support from those where the new leader depends on the same groups for support.
- Chapel Hill Expert Survey: .Estimate party positioning on European integration, ideology and policy issues for national parties in a variety of European countries.
- Charles Stewart's Congress Data Page: .Great resource on Congressional Committees
- Chicago Project on Security and Threats: .Advances scholarship on international politics, security, and trade that advances peace and prosperity, maintains a suicide attack database.
- CIRI Human Rights Dataset: .standards-based quantitative information on government respect for 15 internationally recognized human rights for 202 countries
- Climate Change & African Pol. Stability: .This program analyzes how climate change could impact African and international security, see data page
- Cline Center for Advanced Social Research: .University of Illinois center supports research on variety of fronts, see projects page..
- Comparative Agendas Project: .Collects and organizes data from archived sources to track policy outcomes across countries. See dataset codebooks.
- Comparative Constitutions Project: .Comprehensive data about the world's constitutions, download data page.
- Comparative Political Data Set: .Collection of political and institutional country-level data. It consists of annual data for 36 democratic countries for the period of 1960 to 2015 or since their transition to democracy.
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems: .A collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world.
- Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset: .Information about the structure and generosity of social insurance benefits in 33 countries around the world
- Computational Event Data System: .Uses automated coding of news reports, focusing on the Middle East, Balkans, and West Africa, for statistical early warning models to predict political change.
- Congress Project, The: .Site features data collected by the Congress project, as well as links to other sites providing data and information on the U.S. Congress.
- Congress Roll Call Vote Indexes: .Useful, basic tables on roll call votes in House and Senate (101-present)
- Congressional Bills Project: .information about more than 400,000 bills introduced in the U.S. Congress, currently 1947-2008, along with extensive information about each bill's progress and sponsor
- Congressional District Data: .The data set includes a wide range of economic, social and geographic information for every U.S. congressional district, from 1943-1998.
- Congressional Voting Data: .This data set includes traditional aggregate voting scores as well as Cooper-Young structuring scores from the 40th through the 111th Congresses (1867-2009)
- Constituency-Level Elections Archive: .A repository of detailed election results at the constituency level for lower house legislative elections from around the world
- Constitute Project: .Beautiful online environment to read, search, and compare the world's constitutions
- Continent of Int'l Law: .Dataset drawn from UN Treaty Series and features a random sample of agreements across the issue areas of economics, environment, human rights and security
- Cooperative Congressional Election Study: .The first truly large-scale academic survey project aimed at studying the midterm Congressional elections.
- Correlates of State Policy Project: .Aims to compile, disseminate, and encourage the use of data relevant to U.S. state policy research, tracking policy differences across and change over time in the 50 states
- Correlates of War Project Datasets: .COW seeks to facilitate the collection, dissemination, and use of accurate and reliable quantitative data in international relations.
- Corruption Cases Databases: .An asset recovery watch database and settlements database from the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank and UNODC.
- Corruption Perceptions Index: .Transparency International scores countries on how corrupt their public sectors are seen to be.
- Cosponsorship Network Data: .This page contains links to data on Cosponsorships in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives for the 93rd to 108th Congresses.
- Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative: .The first global data hub on human trafficking, with data contributed by counter-trafficking organizations around the world.
- CoupCast - Political Forecasting: .Created by a team at One Earth Future to develop evidence-based approaches to understanding the risks of conflict.
- Create Cross-Tabulations with US Circuit Court Data: .This resource allows you to analyze some of the variables coded in Phase Three of the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals Database (2003-2010).
- Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive: .Extensive coverage of many variables over time, full access requires buying license.
- CShapes: .Provides historical maps of state boundaries and capitals in the post-World War II period.
D- Daily Kos Elections Datasets: .Daily Kos Elections guide to all of their datasets.
- Danish General Election Results: .Results of Danish general elections 1953-2015 including number of votes and number of seats in parliament
- Danish National Election Study: .Data from all 16 elections in the 1971-2011 period.
- Data Foundation: .Seeks to define an open future for our data, for a better government and a better society, through research, education, and programming.
- Data on Governance: .From Peace Research Institute Oslo.
- Data.gov: .Guide to data from more than 100 agencies that provide data and trend information on such topics as economic and population trends, crime, education, health care, energy use and more
- Database of Political Institutions: .Institutional and electoral results data such as measures of checks and balances, tenure and stability of the government, identification of party affiliation and ideology, and fragmentation of opposition and government parties in the legislature.
- Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections: .A general resource for the study of campaign finance and ideology in American politics by Adam Bonica.
- Datahub for Field Experiments in Economics and Public Policy: .Data from randomized experiments in the social sciences, as well as statistical code underlying published research results, surveys and documentation.
- Datasets on Democratic Deepening and Regression: .DEDERE Project on the causes of democratic deepening and regression.
- Datorium from GESIS: .A data repository service for the social science and economic science research community from GESIS and the Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences.
- Democracy Barometer: .A new instrument to measure the quality of established democracies.
- Design of Trade Agreements (DESTA) Database: .Systematic data on the design of preferential trade agreements that have been signed since 1945.
- Development Economics Datasets: .Managed by Masayuki Kudamatsu
- Digital Society Project: .Aims to answer some of the most important questions about the internet and politics, the DSP dataset is the product of a global survey of hundreds of country and area experts.
- Documenting the Now: .Chronicles historically significant events on social media, see Tweet ID datasets.
- Dutch Parliamentary Voting Dataset: .Voting behaviour in the Dutch parliament.
E- Earl Babbie Research Center: .Supports research that addresses global concerns including human rights, social justice, peaceful solutions to social conflicts and environmental sustainability.
- Economic Fata from European Bank for Reconstruction & Development: .Macro-economic and structural data series, includes the Life in Transition Survey.
- Economic Freedom of the World: .From the Fraser Institute.
- Economics of National Security: Data Set Index: .Thorough document from Professor Martin Feldstein, compiled by Brandon Kaplowitz.
- Educational Attainment Dataset: .Focus on 1950-2010
- EEOC Litigation Project: .Data on federal court litigation from 1997 to 2006, inclusive, by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
- Election Passport: .Provides free access to a rich dataset of constituency election results in 110 countries and territories throughout the world.
- Electoral Integrity Project: .International election data, reports on electoral systems around the world. See their downloadable datasets page.
- Electoral Law Indicators: .The ELECLAW indicators measure the degree of inclusion of the electoral franchise for three categories of potential voters or candidates: resident citizens, non-resident citizens and non-citizen residents.
- Electoral System Family Map App: .Interactive Shiny app shows world map and frequencies of electoral system by decade.
- Electoral Systems & the Personal Vote: .Colorado State University - Pueblo
- Electoral Volatility in the European Parliament Elections: .Data on electoral volatility and its internal components in European Parliament elections in all EU countries since 1979, for both the class bloc and the demarcation bloc.
- Enterprise Surveys: .Firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy's private sector from the World Bank.
- Environmental Performance Index: .Ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators across ten issue categories covering environmental health and ecosystem vitality
- Equality of Opportunity Project: .Research on economic mobility, see data and replication code
- Ethnic Power Relations Datasets: .Data on ethnic groups' access to state power, their settlement patterns, links to rebel organizations, transborder ethnic kin relations, and intraethnic cleavages.
- EU Open Data Portal: .Provides access to an expanding range of data from the European Union (EU) institutions and other EU bodies.
- Eurobarometer Surveys: .The Standard Eurobarometer was established in 1974. Each survey consists of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per country. Reports are published twice yearly.
- European Central Bank Statistical Data Warehouse: .Economic indicators for Euro area.
- European Election Studies: .About electoral participation and voting behavior in European Parliament elections.
- European Quality of Life Survey: .Carried out every four years, this unique, pan-European survey examines both the objective circumstances of European citizens' lives and how they feel about those circumstances and their lives in general.
- European Representative Democracy Data Archive: .Datasets on political institutions, political parties, cabinets and governments in Europe.
- European Social Survey: .The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe since 2001. Every two years, face-to-face interviews are conducted with newly selected, cross-sectional samples.
- European Values Study: .A large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values.
- Eurostat: .The statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its mission is to provide high quality statistics for Europe.
- EveryPolitician: .A simple but ambitious project to collect and share data about every politician in every country in the world, in a consistent, open format that anyone can use.
- Executive Order Data: .From the National Archives Federal Register
- Explaining Terrorist and Insurgent Behavior: .An ongoing research project about terrorist and insurgent behavior featuring several datasets.
- Exploratory Data Analysis: When to Stop: .By Roger Peng (6:38)
F- Federal Election Commission's Campaign Finance Reports and Data: .Some of these files are very large and challenging to work with, but the FEC makes a lot of data available
- Federal Judicial Center Biographical Database: .Extremely helpful resource for research on federal judges.
- Federal Reserve Economic Data: .Extensive collection of times series economic data from U.S. and world.
- Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti Foundation: .Applied and policy-oriented research on labor markets, immigration and welfare systems in Europe
| F- Fragile States Index: .A ranking of 178 countries across 12 indicators of the risks and vulnerabilities faced by individual nations, see data.
- Free Public Datasets for Data Science Projects: .This blog posts lists and describes some significant data collections.
- Freedom House: .Produces data on a number of core thematic issues related to democracy, political rights and civil liberties.
G- General Social Survey: .Longstanding survey about what Americans think and feel about various political issues
- German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies: .A research and network initiative focusing solely on the theory and practice of de-radicalization and counter-radicalization.
- German Socio-Economic Panel: .A longitudinal survey of households in Germany from 1984 to 2016. Variables include household composition, employment, occupations, earnings, health and satisfaction indicators.
- GESIS: Data Archive for the Social Sciences: .national and international comparative surveys from the fields of social and political science research
- Gig Economy Data Hub: .Accessible, comprehensive analysis of available data sources to answer critical questions about gig and non-traditional work in the United States.
- Global Conflict Risk Index: .Risk of violent conflict in the next 1-4 years, exclusively based on quantitative indicators from open sources, from European Commission.
- Global Elections Database: .Information on the results of both national and subnational elections around the world.
- Global Indicators Database: .Compilation of Pew Research's public opinion surveys from around the world on a broad array of subjects ranging from people's lives to views about the current state of the world.
- Global Integrity: .Measures of government integrity around the world, archived data.
- Global Media Freedom Dataset: .Data on the evolution and devolution of media freedom in individual countries.
- Global Parliamentary Report: .Data on the structure, members, budget, staff, committees and sitting days of the world's parliaments.
- Global Party Survey: .Compares the ideological values, policy positions, and rhetoric of political parties around the world.
- Global Restrictions on Religion: .Measures level of government restrictions on religion and social hostilities involving religion around the world, 2007-2016.
- Global State of Democracy Indices: .Depict democratic trends at the country, regional and global levels across a broad range of different attributes of democracy in the period 1975-2015.
- Global State Revenues & Expenditures: .Developed at the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
- Global Terrorism Database: .Open-source database including information on terrorist events around the world from 1970 through 2017, now includes more than 180,000 cases, from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
- Global Trade Alert: .Provides timely information on state interventions taken since November 2008 that are likely to affect foreign commerce.
- Google Ngram: .Track the prevalence of terms over time in books (can go back to 1800s)
- Governance Indicators: .From the Hertie School of Governance's Governance Report.
- GovTrack.us: .The site helps ordinary citizens find and track bills in the U.S. Congress and understand their representatives' legislative record.
- Greifswald Comparative Politics: .See projects and datasets
- Groningen Growth & Dev. Center: .Platform for research on economic growth and development, comprehensive databases on indicators of growth and development that the Center compiles and maintains on a regular basis.
- GROWup - Geographical Research On War, Unified Platform: .offers a visualization of settlement patterns of politically active ethnic groups around the world from 1946-2013
- Guide to Data on Developing Countries: .Compiled by Bureau for Research and Economic Analysis of Development.
- Gun Violence Archive: .online archive of gun violence incidents, provides near-real time data about the results of gun violence.
- Guttmacher Institute: .A leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, great source of data on policies in the United States.
H- Harvard Brazil Collaboration: .Featuring Kathleen Weintraub (2:35)
- Harvard Election Data Archive: .This archive contains data on election results, voting behavior, and electoral politics, with particular focus on the United States.
- High Courts Judicial Database: .The High Courts Judicial Database (HCJD) provides coded information on the content of universes or random samples of the decisions produced by eleven of the top courts of the world.
- Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization Dataset: .An ethnic fractionalization index for 165 countries across all continents. The dataset covers annually the period 1945-2013.
- Historical Reported Voting Rates: .Multiple key indicatiors of voter participation at state level since 1960s and 1970s.
- Human Rights Data Analysis Group: .A non-profit, non-partisan organization that applies rigorous science to the analysis of human rights violations around the world.
- Human Rights Measurement Initiative: .Tracks the human rights performance of countries.
I- ICPSR Web Site: .ICPSR maintains a data archive of more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences, great place to start. Browse by topic.
- Ill-Treatment & Torture (ITT) Data Collection Project: .Measures allegations of states' violations of the Convention Against Torture published by Amnesty International (AI) during the years 1995 to 2005.
- Illinois Data Bank: .A public access repository for publishing research data from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- IMF Data Archive: .A range of time series data on IMF lending, exchange rates and other economic and financial indicators.
- Immigration Policies in Comparison: .A set of sophisticated quantitative indices to measure immigration policies in all OECD countries and for the time period 1980-2010
- Index of African Governance: .From the Mo Ibrahim Foundation.
- India's Open Government Data Platform: .Used by Government of India, its ministries and departments to publish datasets, documents, services, tools and applications for public use.
- Indian States Data: .State-level data from India compiled by the Economic Organisation and Public Policy Programme at the LSE.
- Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance Datasets: .Measured related to sustainable democracy worldwide
- Institute for Health Metrics: .An independent population health research center at UW Medicine, part of the University of Washington
- Institute for Social & Econ. Research: .Work includes British Household Panel Survey.
- Institute of Citizenship Studies (InCite): .Research and other initiatives related to the theme of citizenship in its legal, political, and social dimensions
- Institutional Quality Dataset: .From Aljaz Kuncic, covers 1990 - 2010
- Institutions and Elections Project: .contains information on de jure institutional provisions, electoral procedures, and electoral events for 170 countries in the period 1960-2012
- Int'l Labor Organization Stats: .The world's leading source of labor statistics.
- Int'l Political Economy Data Resource: .Seeks to provide a public good to the field by standardizing and merging together variables from 89 IPE data sources into a single dataset.
- Integrated Crisis Early Warning System: .A comprehensive, integrated, automated, generalizable, and validated system to monitor, assess, and forecast national, sub-national, and internal crises from Lockheed-Martin.
- Inter-Parliamentary Union: .See their open data platform
- International Social Survey Programme: .A cross-national collaboration program conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to social sciences.
- IPUMS: .Census and survey data from around the world integrated across time and space.
- IQSS Dataverse Network: .This Harvard project is a vast repository for social data, seach network and see new releases, also features authoring tools to publish data
- Israel National Election Studies: .Aims to investigate voting patterns, public opinion, and political participation in Israel.
- Issue Correlates of War (ICOW): .A research project that is collecting systematic data on contentious issues in world politics.
J- Japanese General Social Surveys: .Conducts repeated social surveys to study the attitudes and behavior of Japanese people comprehensively.
- Judicial Research Initiative: .From the University of South Carolina, easy to navigate site contains key datasets for judicial behavior research
- Judicial Workload, Jury Verdicts & Crime Data: .Links compiled by Harvard Law School Library.
K- Kaggle Datasets Collection: .Very large collection of datasets on varied topics, used for data science and machine learning.
- KOF Index of Globalization: .Measures the three main dimensions of globalization: economic, social, and political.
- KOF Swiss Economic Institute: .Extensive economic research, including Globalization Index.
- Konstanz One-Sided Event Dataset: .Detailed information on the magnitude and location of events of one-sided violence in 20 civil wars
L- Latin American Public Opinion Project: .Carries out surveys of public opinion in Latin America, include Americas Barometer survey.
- Latinobarometro: .Annual public opinion survey that involves some 20,000 interviews in 18 Latin American countries. Try online data analysis.
- Legislative Effectiveness Project: .precise research methodology to calculate a Legislative Effectiveness Score for each member of the House of Representatives
- legislatoR: .Political, sociodemographic, and Wikipedia-related data on elected politicians across the globe for R environment.
- LIS Cross-National Data Center: .A data archive and research center dedicated to cross-national analysis, home to two databases: Luxembourg Income Study and Luxembourg Wealth Study.
- Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences: .The LISS panel (Netherlands) has been in full operation since October 2007, and all data are made available through the LISS data archive.
- Longitudinal Study of American Life: .National study on the thinking and life experiences of Generation X.
M- MacroDataGuide: .International social science resource, it informs not only on which data are out there and where they can be found, it also provides a qualitative assessement of these resources
- Macrohistory Lann Bonn: .An active research hub in international macroeconomic and financial history, features Jorda-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database.
- Maddison Project Database: .Estimates of economic growth in the world economic between AD 1 and 2010
- Manifesto Project Database: .Provides the scientific community with parties' policy positions derived from a content analysis of parties' electoral manifestos.
- Martin-Quinn Scores: .Contains the so-called "Martin-Quinn" measures of judicial ideology.
- Mass Mobilization in Autocracies Database: .Sub-national data on mass mobilization events in autocracies worldwide.
- Mass Mobilization Project: .An effort to understand citizen movements against governments. The MM data cover 162 countries between 1990 and 2018.
- Measurement and Validity : .From The Effect, Videos on Causality, Ep 67 (10:07)
- Members of the European Parliament Survey Data: .The data allow for comparison of MEPs' views with those of the EU public, European Parliament candidates, and members of national and regional parliaments in Europe.
- Mendeley Data: .An open, free-to-use, searchable research data repository, which enables researchers to make their research data publicly available.
- Mexican Political Pamphlets, 1808-1832: .An archival source for the study of the political, social and cultural aspects of the independence movement in Mexico, from the Univ. of Toronto.
- Mexico's Nat'l Inst. of Stats & Geography: .Government data in a wide range of categories.
- Migration Data Portal: .A unique access point to timely, comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information about migration data globally.
- Military Expenditure Database: .Contains consistent time series on the military spending of countries, updated annually.
- Minorities at Risk Project: .Maintains data on 284 politically active ethnic groups. The centerpiece of the project is a dataset that tracks groups on political, economic, and cultural dimensions.
- Missing Data: .From the Effect, Videos on Causality, Ep 68 (9:59)
- Missing Data: .By Gary King, part 18 of 19-part course (1:42:50)
- MIT Election Lab: .Supports advances in election science by collecting, analyzing, and sharing core data and findings.
- Most Important Problem Dataset: .Updated through June 2015, from Laron K. Williams
- Multiculturalism Policy Index: .Information about multiculturalism policies in a standardized format that aids comparative research and contributes to the understanding of state-minority relations
N- Nat'l Bureau of Econ. Research Datasets: .Includes macro-level economic data, industrial data, finance, individual-level surveys, health care, and vital statistics.
- Nat'l Conf. of State Legislatures: .NCSL research and special features contain a wealth of informatiom about state legislatures
- Nat'l Elections Across Democracy & Autocracy Dataset: .Detailed information on all election events from 1945-2012.
- Nat'l Institute of Statistics of Rwanda: .Collects and archives key national data.
- Nat'l Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement: .Data on student registration and voting rates, and an examination of campus climate for political learning and engagement.
- NatCen Social Research: .Britain's largest independent social research agency, features British Social Attitudes Data.
- NatCen Social Research: .Britain's largest independent social research agency.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD): .Archives and disseminates data on crime and justice for secondary analysis. The archive contains data from over 2,700 curated studies or statistical data series.
- National Center for Education Statistics: .The primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education
- NC Center for Public Policy Research: .Publishes among other things, legislator and lobbyist effectiveness rankings.
- New Nation Votes, A: .Searchable collection of election returns from the earliest years of American democracy.
- NewGene: .A data management tool for creating data sets for use in the quantitative analysis of political science, primarily international relations.
- Nigeria Data Portal: .Extensive macro data about Nigeria
- Nonviolent and Violent Campaigns and Outcomes (NAVCO) Data Project: .A multi-level data collection effort that catalogues major nonviolent and violent resistance campaigns around the globe from 1900-2013.
- Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey: .The attitudes, values and beliefs of the people in Northern Ireland to a wide range of social policy issues.
- Norwegian Centre for Research Data: .One of the largest archives for research data of its kind, includes the European Election Database.
O- Odum Institute for Research in Social Science: .Dedicated to supporting the research endeavors of the UNC community and beyond, see data archive.
- Open Budget Survey: .A comprehensive analysis and survey that evaluates whether governments give the public access to budget information and opportunities to participate in the budget process at the national level.
- Open Event Data Alliance: .A consortium committed to facilitating the development, adoption and analysis of social and political event data.
- Open ICSPR: .Accessible repository of behavioral health and social science research data.
- Open Roboethics Institute: .exploring roboethics questions in the domain of self-driving vehicles, care robots, and lethal autonomous weapons systems, see its unique archive of public opinion polls.
| O- Open States by the Sunlight Foundation: .A collection of tools that make it possible for citizens to track what is happening in their state's capitol by aggregating information from all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.
- Our World in Data: .Research and data to make progress against the world's largest problems.
- Oxford COVID-19 Gov't Response Tracker: .Aims to track and compare government responses to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide rigorously and consistently.
P- ParlGov: Parliaments & Gov'ts Database: .A data infrastructure for political science and contains information for all EU and most OECD democracies.
- Party Facts: .Links to datasets on political parties, an online platform about parties and their history.
- Party Systems and Governments Observatory: .Data on government formation and party system institutionalization in all 48 European democracies, from the Second French Republic, through wars and crises, all the way up to the present moment.
- Peace Accords Matrix Implementation: .Tracks the implementation of 51 different types of provisions.
- Penn World Table: .database with information on relative levels of income, output, input and productivity, covering 182 countries between 1950 and 2014
- Pennsylvania Policy Database: .A free, online resource that provides access to more than 200,000 state and news media records, enables users to trace and analyze the history of public policy in the Commonwealth since 1979.
- Pew Global Attitudes Surveys: .Organized by survey, each dataset is identified by the name of the survey.
- Pew Research Center Datasets: .Track key national, political, economic and demographic trends over time.
- Political Advertising on Google: .To help everyone understand the ads they see online, this report from Google includes information about verified advertisers, spending on ads related to elections.
- Political Constraint Index (POLCON): .Dataset by Witold Henisz at Wharton
- Political Data Yearbook: .Captures election results, national referenda, changes in government, and institutional reforms for a range of countries, within and beyond the EU.
- Political Institutions and Public Choice Program Data: .Focused on the House of Representatives
- Political Terror Scale: .Measures levels of political violence and terror that a country experiences in a particular year based on a 5-level "terror scale" originally developed by Freedom House, see data page.
- Political TV Ad Archive: .Provides a searchable, viewable, and shareable online archive of 2016 political TV ads.
- Politics Resources Guide: Find Data: .Compiled by Princeton University's Politics Librarian
- Polity Project: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions: .From The Center for Systematic Peace.
- PollBase: .British opinion polls database from 1943-today, from Mark Pack.
- Polling the Nations: .A large online database of public opinion polls.
- Portal of Public Use Datasets on Sub-Saharan Africa: .From the National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Prediction Analyses: .From Roger Peng (10:31)
- President in Congress, The: .Explores the impact of the president on legislators' voting and position taking, on their communications with constituents, on their legislative strategies, and ultimately, on the substance of legislation.
- Presidential Research Group Data Sites: .Includes the Database of Historical Congressional Statistics
- Princeton Gerrymandering Project: .Research on the effects of gerrymandering in the U.S.
- Project on Democratic Accountability & Citizen-Politician Linkages: .Data collection in more than 80 electoral democracies. The expert surveys for data collection were done in 2008 and 2009.
- Public Religion Research Institute: .A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to conducting independent research at the intersection of religion, culture, and public policy.
Q- Qualitative Data Repository: .QDR selects, ingests, curates, archives, manages, durably preserves, and provides access to digital data used in qualitative and multi-method social inquiry.
- Quality of Government Institute: .Research on the causes, consequences and nature of good government, see data download page.
- Quandl: .Collection of links to biggest data-producers, esp. economic and demographic data from governments
R- Racially Polarized Voting Near Me: .Resource designed to be used by voters, community groups, activists, and lawyers to help fully enfranchise voters of color in local government.
- Real Time Event Data / Phoenix: .Event data on political and social events around the globe, along with the software and methodology needed to analyze the data.
- Reddit Datasets: .Super diverse collection of datasets, unusual, interesting subjects, some related to politics
- Refugee Resettlement Data: .A platform to share digitised individual refugee data obtained from publicly held records as originally recorded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement.
- Religion and State Project Constitutions Dataset: .Constitutional clauses that address religion for 177 countries on a yearly basis between 1990 and 2008.
- Religion Data Archives: .A collection of surveys, polls, and other data submitted by researchers and made available online by the ARDA.
- Religious Data: Association of Religion Data Archives: .More than public opinion surveys, but public opinion surveys are biggest category of religious data
- Rising Powers Diplomatic Network: .Monitors the distribution of the diplomatic apparatus of emerging powers across the globe.
- Roper Center: .Public opinion surveys from U.S. and around the world.
S- School Finance Indicators Database: .A collection of sophisticated school finance measures for assessing the adequacy and fairness of each state’s revenue, spending, and resource allocation, and for comparing these outcomes between states.
- Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: .Measures reports of the conflict-related sexual violence committed by armed actors (state forces, pro-government militias and rebel groups) during the years 1989-2009.
- Sie Cheou-Kang Center for International Security & Diplomacy: .Dedicated to building knowledge on the evolving nature of security and diplomacy to better address pressing global issue, see data downloads page
- SIPRI Databases on Global Security: .Features data on arms transfers, multilateral peace operations, military expenditures, arms industry, and other topics.
- Social Feed Manager: .Open source software that harvests social media data and web resources from Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, and Sina Weibo. It empowers researchers, faculty, students, and archivists to define and create collections of data.
- Social Policy Indicators (SPIN): .Comparative data on social rights and duties of citizens
- South African Data Archive: .Serves as a broker between a range of data providers and the research community.
- Standardized World Income Inequality Database, The: .Goal of project is to maximize the comparability of income inequality data while maintaining the widest possible coverage across countries and over time.
- State Antiquity Index: .This dataset gives a score from 0 to 50 for the presence of a supra-tribal polity within the present-day boundaries of each of 149 countries.
- State Data and Policy Actions to Address Coronavirus: .From the Kaiser Family Foundation.
- State Networks Dataset: .A compilation of many state-to-state relational variables, including measures of shared borders, travel and trade between states, and demographic characteristics of state populations.
- State of First Amendment Surveys: .Examines public attitudes toward freedom of speech, press, religion and the rights of assembly and petition.
- State Policy Index: .State and Local Public Policies in the United States is an ongoing research project and data compendium. On this website you can download spreadsheets containing data on state policies.
- StateMaster.com: .allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states based on different variables
- Statistics South Africa: .Data on people, economy, and living conditions.
- Studying Contemporary China: Where to Get Your Current Affairs: .From Florian Schneider (11:39)
- Studying the Economic Tradeoffs of Land Conservation in Brazil: .(6:07)
- Supreme Court Citation Network Data: .This page contains links to two sets of data on citations in the U.S. Supreme Court from the U.S. Reports.
- Supreme Court Database: .the definitive source, contains over two hundred pieces of information about each case decided between 1946 and 2012.
- Survey Documentation and Analysis: .Programs for the documentation and Web-based analysis of survey data, including ANES and GSS.
- Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe: .Panel data on health, socio-economic status and social and family networks of more than 120,000 individuals aged 50 or older.
- Swedish National Data Service: .Facilitates access to new and existing Swedish research data.
- Swedish National Election Studies: .Aims to explain why people vote as they do and why an election ends in a particular way. See data page.
T- Taiwan Election & Democratization Study: .A continual large-scale survey research project that integrates several election-oriented face-to-face surveys in Taiwan.
- Teaching Inclusive and Policy-Relevant Statistical Methods: .(52:36)
- TERRIER: .Stands for temporally extended, regular, reproducible international event records, is a new machine coded event dataset ranging from 1979 to 2016.
- Terrorism in W. Europe: Events Data: .Contains information on events related to internal (or domestic) terrorism in 18 West European countries for the 1950 through 2004 period
- Texas Politics Project, The: .Publishes three to four statewide public opinion polls each year to assess the opinions of registered voters on upcoming elections, public policy, and attitudes towards politics, politicians, and government.
- Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences: .Offers researchers the opportunity to capture the internal validity of experiments while also realizing the benefits of working with a large, diverse population of research participants.
- TRAC Immigration Tool: .Data on immigration court actions, deportations.
- Transitional Justice Research Collaborative: .data on three primary transitional justice mechanisms - human rights prosecutions, truth commissions, and amnesties - for 109 democratic transitions in 86 countries around the world, from 1970-2012.
- Transparency International: .A suite of measures of government corruption.
- Trivedi Centre for Political Data: .Promotes data-driven research, policy work and journalism on India's political life by producing and disseminating in open access scientifically collected and treated political data.
U- U.S. Elections Project: .an information source for the United States electoral system.
- U.S. Foreign Aid Explorer: .A multi-dimensional picture of U.S. foreign assistance.
- U.S. House Election Results Archive: .From the Office of the Clerk, official vote counts in congressional elections since 1920
- UC Data: .UC Berkeley's principal archive of digitized social science data and statistics, part of the new UC Berkeley's Social Science Data Lab.
- UCDP/PRIO Armed Conflict Dataset: .A dataset of armed conflicts, both internal and external, in the period 1946 to the present.
- UK Data Service: .Includes major UK government-sponsored surveys, cross-national surveys, longitudinal studies, UK census data, international aggregate, business data, and qualitative data.
- UK Household Longitudinal Study: .Understanding Society is the largest longitudinal household panel study of its kind and provides vital evidence on life changes and stability. See data and documentation.
- UN Comtrade Database: .Detailed global trade data. UN Comtrade is a repository of official international trade statistics and relevant analytical tables.
- UN Univ. World Inst. for Dev. Econ. Research: .Provides economic analysis and policy advice with the aim of promoting sustainable and equitable development for all, see datasets
- United Nations Statistics Division: .Compiles and disseminates global statistical information
- United States Election Project: .Information source for the United States electoral system; great data on voter turnout.
- Uppsala Conflict Data Program: .The world's main provider of data on organized violence and the oldest ongoing data collection project for civil war, with a history of almost 40 years, see downloads page
- US Policy Agendas Project: .Collects and organizes data from various archived sources to trace changes in the national policy agenda and public policy outcomes of the United States since the Second World War.
- US Presidential Elections Data: .With some cool visualizations of the data.
V- V-Dem (Varieties of Democracy): .Aims to produce better Indicators of Democracy.
- Vetoes by U.S. Presidents, 1789-present: .From the U.S. Senate library
- Vital Statistics on the U.S. Congress: .Compiled by the Brookings Institution
- Voter Turnout Database: .From the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
- Voteview (UCLA): .Allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map.
- Voteview Legacy Website: .Keith Poole's web site for data on U.S. Congress, well-organized, thoroughly documented, updated frequently.
- VoteWatch Europe: .Provides a data-based overview of EU politics.
- Voting Technology Project Data: .seeks to develop better voting technologies, to improve election administration, and to deepen scientific research in these areas
W- Wage Indicator: .Online, up-to-date labor market data.
- Wesleyan Media Project: .Tracks and analyzes all broadcast advertisements aired by or on behalf of federal and state election candidates in every media market in the country, data access.
- Who Governs?: .A database of who governs in Europe and beyond.
- World Bank Open Data: .Free and open access to global development data
- World Bank's Data Catalog: .The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables, reports, and other resources.
- World Database of Happiness: .Archive of research findings on subjective enjoyment of life
- World Economics and Politics Dataverse: .A queryable data resource for comparative and international political economy.
- World Inequality Database: .Aims to provide open and convenient access to the most extensive available database on the historical evolution of the world distribution of income and wealth
- World Integrated Trade Solution: .Allows users to access and retrieve information on trade and tariffs, from the World Bank.
- World Justice Project: .WJP's original research and data is grounded in the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
- World Press Freedom Index: .From Reporters Without Borders
- World Treaty Index (WTI): .The WTI seeks to create a comprehensive database of all known bilateral and multilateral treaties formed throughout the 20th century.
- World Values Survey: .The WVS consists of nationally representative surveys conducted in almost 100 countries which contain almost 90 percent of the world
- Worldwide Governance Indicators: .From the World Bank.
X- xSub / cross-sub.org: .A repository of micro-level, subnational event data on armed conflict and contention around the world.
Z- Zenobo - Open Access Data Repository: .Not limited to political science data, try keywork searching or communities to find relevant datasets