| Live R Code Demos | Sample uses of the R Statistics Program for political science research. From Barry Edwards, Political Science Data. |
| My Publications | Unfulfilled Promise: Laboratory Experiments in Public Management Research (with Derrick Anderson) | Public Management Review (Vol. 17, Issue 10, 2015) | |
| My Publications | Why Appeals Courts Rarely Reverse Lower Courts: An Experimental Study to Explore Affirmation Bias | Emory Law Journal (2019). | |
| My Publications | Inequality, Access to the Courts, and Judicial Integrity (with Allison Trochesset and Tyler Yeargain) | Chapter In International Human Rights and Justice, Ed. Doug Hodgson. Nova Publishers (2016). | |
| My Publications | The Voting Behavior of President Obama's Appointees on the U.S. Courts of Appeals (with Susan Haire and David Hughes) | Judicature (2013) | |
| My Publications | Formulating Voting Rights Act Remedies to Address Current Conditions | American Politics Research (Vol. 42, Issue 3, 2014) | | |
| My Publications | Comprehensive Arbitration of Domestic Relations Cases in Georgia | Georgia Bar Journal. | |
| | Contact Information | School of Politics, Security & Int'l Affairs Univ. of Central Florida 4207 Andromeda Loop North Howard Phillips Hall, Room 311A Orlando, FL 32816-1356 Ph. 407-823-2608 Fax 407-823-0051 | My Curriculum Vitae barry.edwards @ ufc.edu |
| Research Interests | - American Politics (esp. Presidents & Elections)
- Law and Courts
- Research Methods
| My Publications | Can Independent Redistricting Commissions Lead Us Out of the Political Thicket? (with Angel Sanchez, Tyler Yeargain, Michael Crespin, and Jessica Hayden) | Albany Government Law Review (Vol. 9, Issue 2, 2016)
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| My Publications | Race, Ethnicity, and Alphabetically Ordered Ballots | Election Law Journal (Vol. 13, No. 3, 2014) | |
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